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Friday, May 20, 2011

Math 55


“At that pt. the equation of the tangent line…
Class, there are many solutions to this problem
However, there is but one answer.”

At what point does this line end?
It seems that forever have I waited
to at least be tangent
to you.

I lost you in a circle
where I’ll never know
if we’ll ever converge…

That no matter how much hard
I try
to prove a connection,
(A continuity that will bind us)
the output would always be
just an assumption.

How can I fight
a limit that
Does Not Exist?

Hoping that discontinuity
would somehow be removable

Fighting the odds of
zeroes and infinity

I shall reside
in this imaginary line.
Contenting myself in the
with this feeling, asymptotic.

This poem was written by a friend for their Math 55 class. :)


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