Freelance Jobs

Friday, June 10, 2011

How to Stay Focused on One Task

Employees and students alike are easily overwhelmed by the load of work and tasks that are needed to be done every single day. It becomes difficult to focus when the sole thought of the whole burden freezes the mind on “I can’t do it” mode. The tasks pile even more and the harder it is to finish. When this happens, here are some tips that you can follow to relax your mind and be able to finish your work without the extra and unnecessary stress.

  1. Write a list of all the tasks that are needed to be done. Looking at the list could be overwhelming at first but it will help you to organize and not forget anything. List by priority.
  2. Write the first task on the list on a separate sheet of paper. It could be a sticky note. Place the note somewhere you can easily see and be reminded off. It could be in front of your computer. Remember: Only 1 task is on the note and keep the rest of your list.
  3. Focus on that 1 task and forget the others for the meantime. Do not stop and do not start with a new one until you’re done with that 1 task.
  4. After 1 task, get your list and cross out the task that you have finished. Repeat step 2 for the second task. Don’t throw the first note yet. As it piles, it will remind you of the tasks you have finished which can give you encouragement as you progress.
  5. Relax. Take a break. Have a light snack or exercise a bit. Everything will be done soon and on time when you focus and relax.

Repeat the process until all tasks are done.


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